In department stores, we are often attracted by the offer – “buy one, get one free.” Unfortunately, this is rarely a possible promo in the concrete mixing plants market. Let’s discuss the most common reasons why some concrete producers go for twin plants, what the twin concept means in general – and why two is not always better than one.
A twin concrete plant means that there are two independent plants at the same site. Both are installed and started up at the same time.
Even though two concrete mixing plants often share a control room, typically each has its own batch control system. This gives operators more freedom to organize their production. Sometimes, there can be several different computer screens in the same room to monitor the mixing process, camera systems or heating systems.
Two plants – one aggregate loading ramp
Over the past few years, we have delivered many twin concrete batching plants to our customers.
In one case, a Cobra C80 mobile concrete plant with a 2.6 yards (2.0 m³) output mixer was installed on the same flat concrete slab with a semi-mobile Arcamix plant. The second one featured a 5.9 yards (4.5 m³) mixer. And both plants use the same aggregate loading ramp.
But how?
Thanks to Tecwill’s high-quality “flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system, two independent concrete plants are able to utilize the same aggregate loading ramp. And the size of the mixers does not matter. Check out the photo below.
Most importantly, with just one loading ramp, plant operators use less energy – and cut back on carbon emissions.

10 reasons to buy twin concrete mixing plants
This kind of investment is based on a stable ready-mix concrete market, sufficient production volumes and a strong vision for the future concrete deliveries. Of course, in larger investments, prospects must always be forward-looking.
1. The location of the site is suitable for two concrete batching plants and cement silos, and there is a permit to install both.
2. The company has ambitions to expand their market and plans to relocate one of the plants in the future.
3. There are enough cement silos and sufficient storage capacity for all the various aggregates and binders.
4. There is a need to mix different concrete mixes at the same time due to the large mix design range. This might include shotcrete, self-compacting concrete and many more.
5. There is a large concrete demand. This makes the total amount of concrete production too high for a single plant.
6. There is a need to be able to shift between two different concrete mixers as necessary. This might include planetary, twin-shaft or any other type of mixer.
7. The concrete producer has a multi-year construction project and must be able to meet production peaks.
8. It is a good time to make an investment according to the global economy. This may include favorable exchange rates, new market opportunities, increased competition, a growing global cement market or other factors.
9. There is a need to be able to participate in large ready-mix concrete or construction projects. A spare plant might be needed for large castings, such as bridges.
10. There is a need to save on material logistics costs.

A twin concrete mixing plant never comes cheap. But with the right technology, there are ways to save. With Tecwill’s “flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system, you only need one aggregate loading ramp.
Still, it is important to be forward-looking to make this kind of purchase decision. Buying or not should always be based on a stable ready-mix concrete market, strong demand and a bold vision for the future of the cement industry.
And if your business strategy is clearly based on two independent plants, we will gladly help select a perfect match for you according to your market conditions.