Tecwill delivered brand new Arcamix ash stabilization plant for the Helsinki Region Environmental Services, HSY to Ämmässuo waste treatment center in Espoo, Finland in March 2019. HSY stabilizes fly ash and APC(air polution contol) waste from waste combustion plant of Vantaan energy company. with new Tecwill Arcamix plant. Stabilizied mixture will be disposed into the hazardous waste cell . Old fly ash and binder silos, compressor and control room containers of a old plant of HSY were utilized for Arcamix ash stabilization plant.
The Arcamix ash stabilization station is a special, tailor made, plant in the Arcamix product family. The Arcamix ash mixing station is designed according the requirements and specifications defined by HSY. Exceptionally, in the Arcamix ash stabilizer station there is, a LAPA 2000 countercurrent mixer included in. The mixer is equipped with optional Walter automatic high pressure cleaning system and hydraulic driven discharge hatches.There are three fly ash and two cement silos, two section rock and slag receiving pockets with dosing equipment and conveyors. Ready stabilized mixture can be discharged into either a pocket beneath the plant or a long belt conveyor, which transfers the mixture to the final disposal cell. The stabilization process utilizes the technical water from Ämmässuo waste treatment center of HSY.
Arcamix ash stabilization can be utilized fro bentonite production, stabilization of contaminated soil, mixing of recycled soils and small scale concreate production.
Installation of plant containers and modules was carried out in Espoo during the latter part of 2018. Station modules were pre-erected and tested mechanically and electronically in assembly hall of Tecwill in Joensuu, Finland before they were shipped to Espoo, Finland. Only a long mass transfer conveyor was built from prefabricated modules on site, due to the 53 m length of the conveyor. The station was commissioned and tested regarding commissioning and testing programs of HSY in January 2019. Right after commissioning, operating personnel of HSY started ash stabilization at the new Arcamix plant.
The carefully designed, pre-assembled and electrified Arcamix Container Modules enabled rapid installation in winter conditions. Arcamix was delivered according to the original time schedule. Main electrical supply was connected to the plan after a few days from arrival of the plant to the site. The winter-insulated plant was warmed up and the finishing installations, the connection of systems between containers and electrification could be made in a warm condition.
Installation and commissioning of container modules based Tecwill Arcamix plant is remarkable faster compared to traditionally, field-based installed mixing plants.

Arcamix ash stabilization plant produces high quality stabilization mixtures. High-quality mixing quality is achieved with the WillControl control system, which is able to utilize the mathematical model, specially built for each dosing equipment and thereby improve the accuracy of dosing without losing its production capacity.
In addition, the well-dimensioned Arcamix Tecwill equipment and right-sized electrical motors reduce quality fluctuations and also save electricity.
The Tecwill Arcamix station also comes with a maintenance program that maintains maintenance costs at a moderate level.
Replacing defective or imminent (wearable) parts at the right time can save you a substantial reduction in downtime, fault detection, and repair costs. In order to facilitate the ordering of spare and wear parts, the delivery also includes the LinkOne spare part book.
HSY wanted a new ash stabilization plant, which is capable of stabilizing the ash of the waste power plant without interruption and with high quality mixing. Operating personnel wanted reliability, maintainability, spacious service area and warm interior against the winter conditions. The Tecwill Arcamix ash stabilization station has proven to be a precise and high quality mixing station. The Walter automatic cleaning system connected to the LAPA mixer has made cleaning easier and faster and minimized the manual cleaning work of the operating personnel.
Tecwill Arcamix ash stabilization plant mixes hazardous fly ash and APC (Air Pollution Control) waste accurately and effectively.